Indeed…how humbling…

“The earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that in glory and in triumph they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of the dot on scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner of the dot. How frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds. Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the universe, are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity — in all this vastness — there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves. It is up to us. It’s been said that astronomy is a humbling, and I might add, a character-building experience. To my mind, there is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly and compassionately with one another and to preserve and cherish that pale blue dot, the only home we’ve ever known.”
— Carl Sagan

“Dating” your spouse

Not a novel idea but appears to me this relationship problem has become a “non-issue” (I say this only because a lot of couples seem to “forget” to explore the possibilities). They take their spouse for granted or are so tired from the day-to-day “drudgery” of work, kids, chores, fighting…(you get the picture) that even marriage itself seems to become a four letter dirty word.

My sister and her husband take the time to date. They will drive to a hotel and spend a weekend together, take trips together and keep their love alive.

Everyone can get into this slump, even long-term committed couples who are not married.  It can happen with any relationship.  But it takes some inventiveness and energy to keep the marriage alive. Marriage IS work.  People seem to be afraid of that but why shy away from a positive change for the better???    

Always remember why the two of you fell in love in the first place.  Go somewhere you know the both of you would enjoy-do something nice for your spouse…break the rut.

This website discussed the top ten reasons why you should date your spouse. I listed the top 5:

Top Ten Reasons to Date Your Spouse Frequently!

Coaching Tips for Your Marriage

1. Marriage Relationships are Dynamic.
They are alive and always changing. They need to be fed and stimulated to stay alive.

2. There is always something new about your spouse.
Dating is a good way to create a safe environment. Your spouse is more likely to let you know “what’s new!”

3. Invest in the future.
Just like a savings account–it is easier to add a little to an existing account and watch it grow than to start a new one from scratch. That’s because the interest grows exponentially over time.

4. You Got Married Because You Dated!
It only stands to reason that a good way to stay married is to keep dating.

5. Marriage can be Compared to a Set of Tires.
During the course of driving, there is always wear and tear. Dating serves to maintain alignment, balance and pressure. When done well, your marriage will last a lifetime.

Adjustment disorders increase

No surprise here considering what soldiers are facing overseas.  Little over 2 years ago, Congress curbed the military’s usual practice of separating men and women with combat-related stress especially when it came to a pre-existing personality disorder (here I am thinking hmmm perhaps depression?)

Veterans who are discharged under these conditions typically are left without VA healthcare. (WTF?)   Seems to me when a soldier is thrown into the midst of battle and has fought for our country and for the rights of millions of others, THEIR rights are left to the wayside, left instead to fend for themselves; and we wonder why the % of homeless men and women tend to be veterans.

According to the Army Times, the military is also giving out administrative discharges to those soldiers who are labeled with “adjustment disorders” and these too carry no benefits.  (?????)

We spend trillion$ of dollar$ on this war, million$ upon million$ of dollar$ on civilian contractors but we cannot help out these soldiers when they have fallen?

Something stinks in the state of Denmark.

Though the military has moved away from the stigma of “personality disorders,” “adjustment disorders” still carry the same weight.  According to Kelly Kennedy who discusses this very issue in her article, “Adjustment disorder discharges soar,” the Pentagon still had not commented about the recent surge.

According to the article symptoms of adjustment disorder can be the same as PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder)

  • Flashbacks
  • Nightmares
  • Anger
  • Sleeplessness
  • Irritability
  • Avoidance

These veterans deserve care. If they were more than willing to put their lives on the line then this country needs to step up to its responsibilities and look after these men and women!

ACU’s for women

It’s no secret most service members think the ACU’s leave allot to be desired. Part of it is the velcro. Now what brainchild thought this up?

Especially for a combat zone (riiippp)

The new ACU will incorporate the physique of a woman (13 sizes–taking into account hip, chest and waist measurements) which includes name tags being placed higher up, shoulder pockets will also be repositioned along with other changes to make the uniform fit appropriately. Now, I am not saying that we have to look like runway models in these things but who wants to look like crap?

Oh, and can we please get rid of the beret?

Here is an image of the current uniform:

The Trinity

I have several Muslim friends who grapple with Christian ideology of the Holy Trinity.  Neena brought up an interesting point when it comes to John 3:16:

For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. For God sent the Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him.”

Will be interesting to read the responses. This one was mine:

That verse means God loved the people (humanity) so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who has faith in him will have eternal life and never really die. (Meaning to understand sin and ask for forgiveness)…………….Jesus became the savior of the world from itself.

Christianity sees God as a Triune which basically means God exists as 3 persons,which is the Trinity. However, this does not mean or imply that God is of 3 individuals with each individual being self-actualized with the point of each having their own conscious activity because each portion of the Trinity is of God and God is infinite and has the ability to be all things.

As far as the concept of begotten….Jesus simply had become the human face and personae of the immaterial God.

A good visual is the Scutum Fidei showing that God is all things the Holy Spirit, Jesus and God…it all ties together:

You can read more here

Dedication to oneself

As much as we give ourselves to one another have you ever taken time to simply close out the world and wrap yourself up in your thoughts….have you ever wished for a perfect day-no worries, no demands….a day where everything seems to fall into place?

Does life sometimes become so overwhelming that you seek comfort in the things that bring security and familiarity?

Why is that?

And why is it that this familiarity can (at times) become a detriment to oneself (lack of knowledge or courage?)

Are we afraid of the unknown?

Take a chance, love means starting with oneself………..


Am psyched about putting in for my officer packet. I want to do this. I can feel it in my bones this is my path. I remember in Basic when drill sergeants said I should take the officer route but I shrugged it off….sigh youth.

I need goals. Goals are good. They give me the necessary motivation to reach a level I wouldn’t otherwise have taken the time to pursue.  Might as well… really has just begun.  😉

New kid on the block

In-processing at my new unit.  It has been interesting to say the least. Everyone is quite friendly. Downside is most people have been deployed so you feel like the “odd man out” when you don’t have a deployment patch on your right arm.

Everyone was wonderful (knock on wood this continues)….but still exhausting since I laid awake since 3am worried.

That’s what I get for not drinking my hot toddy lol.  Am also putting in for my officer packet this coming year (knock on wood) just have to get in bad ass shape for it.  Which, since now I have a GOAL that I WANT….I will be diligently following this golden path with fervor.  Am a quite the goal oriented person.  I have to have something to strive for and frankly, exercise doesn’t top my list (though it should)….just knowing I have the opportunity to do this means so much to me.

I enjoy serving…the military is part of my identity, I feel honored to wear the uniform..knowing the history which goes into each and every one.  I have no qualms belonging to such an elite force as the US military and hope to remain for many years to come.