Rants part deux

Titles/closing/work/coworkers/buying a home/added responsibilities….what else can I find to put in here.

One thing about bloggers if you visit the “blogosphere” is that some of us like to rant to get stress off our collective chests.

Yes, I talk about lovely things on here…sometimes not so lovely. But it’s all real and it all about life in these United States.

I will forward information (usually military stuff, relationship jargon, exercise, health you name it).

But when a person like myself has about a week left before closing I get the jitters.

Just a little…..

Because I have heard horror stories of people GETTING their loans and at the day of closing something goes terribly awry.

Leave it in God’s hands.

Yes, am trying.

But I always believed in the ol’ adage:  “God helps those who helps themselves.”