Would Jesus recognize His teachings today?

I sometimes wonder about the future of Christianity when I read what is going on in the news and see how people react/act towards one another.  I wonder also if His holy message has been skewed by mankind’s quest for material goods and racial superiority.  Hmmm..maybe I simply have far too much time on my hands but I think not. I cannot reconcile how the word of God from the Bible matches with how we’ve interpreted this Holy Book.

Sometimes I honestly do not blame Atheists for believing the way they do.  Look how many wars have started because of religion, people killed, cultures wiped out (think of the Native Americans, Middle East, Far East) and you will have a small inkling of what I am eluding to here.

And then I think well, Man has perverted religion to suit his selfish needs and I wonder will Christianity survive the next 100 years.  And if not what might take its place?

I prefer to take away the fancy trappings of the church and get back to the basic  premise of what Jesus tried to teach:

“What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul.”

A sense of purpose

I think it having a sense of purpose in one’s life is an innate desire within each and every one of us.

Why do you think we have aspirations/hopes/dreams?

I could not imagine living my life without hope wondering what is at the end of the rainbow or at least having a set of actions in place to get me there.

There are people I have encountered in my life who either 1.) Expect good tidings to simply happen without effort or 2.) Feel that life has really screwed them over royally so their remedy to such a situation is to complain about every little misfortune that comes their way.

Having a sense of purpose fuels the imagination. Lights the fire.  Without a purpose one’s goals are not clear which makes sense.  Not having a life plan in place can matters that much more difficult.  Understanding why you set these goals in turn will give you that additional motivation needed.

Human beings are tangible/visual creatures and in order to get to your goal it’s best to have some sort of system in place such as writing down your steps,  or rewarding yourself in some way for each little “rung” you have climbed to get to the top of the ladder.

I think for individuals my age and older sometimes we can become our own worst critic due to past experiences.   Things get placed to side because life interferes.  But I say if you want something badly enough you will see these obstacles as simply a challenge and keep pushing through it.  Life hasn’t always been easy for me…I have had to divert some of my goals for later…yet I KEPT AT IT and was able to buy my home, rejoin the military, and continue moving forward.  Anything is possible….it all boils down to how badly do you want it. Do you have the fire to keep going?

I do.